Monday, 10 August 2015

Ferry Trip Across the Bay to LBI

I arrived at the Long Island ferry dock, Pilley's Island at 9:30 AM on Saturday morning, (August 8, 2015).  I knew the ferry left at 9 AM to go to Little Bay Islands (LBI) so I was all set to sit in my lawn chair, enjoy the beautiful weather and the scenery in Long Tickle, and sew the binding around my current quilt project while waiting for the 10:30. What I found was that the ferry had a small mechanical problem which set her schedule back half a hour. She was about to sail to LBI, so I decided to sail over to LBI jsut for the ferry ride. I always said I have salt water running through my veins, so I am always happy to be near or on the ocean. Quilting postponed for a later time, we set sail. The ocean and sky were a brilliant blue and the following are some shots taken while crossing from Pilley's Island to LBI. Breath in the fresh, salt air (mainlanders buy  an artificial version of it in bottles, to help clear the sinuisis,  it's called Otrivin), soak up the sun, feel the breeze on my face and calm my psyche. And get this, all for the price of $3.85. We arrived back to PI for the 11:00 AM ferry and on back to Long Island. A morning well spent, I believe.

Leaving Long Tickle

Long Island Lighthouse in the distance

Recreational Fishers

Great day for a sail on beautiful Green Bay South

Grassy Rocks

Approaching LBI ferry dock, Sully Anne's Cove.

LBI Ferry Dock

More Recreational Fishers, this is the second last day until September 19th.

Coming back to Long Island

Grassy Rocks, a familiar landmark off Long Island.

I even saw a couple of humpback whales on the crossing. The crew told me they see these beautiful creatures all the time, especially during the capelin run.

Approaching Pilley's Island ferry dock.
$3.85 well spent.

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