Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Punt Donated to Lighthouse Site
By Brad Rideout

Town Councillors, Mayor Daniel Veilleux, Deputy Mayor Wilson Slade, Fire fighter Alonzo Rideout and Fire Chief Leroy Bromley put the punt, donated by Brad Rideout, in place at the Lighthouse site in Long Tickle. Many thanks to Mr. Rideout for his generosity.

The punt  view in Long Tickle Thanks to Donetta Bromley for the photos.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Ferry Trip Across the Bay to LBI

I arrived at the Long Island ferry dock, Pilley's Island at 9:30 AM on Saturday morning, (August 8, 2015).  I knew the ferry left at 9 AM to go to Little Bay Islands (LBI) so I was all set to sit in my lawn chair, enjoy the beautiful weather and the scenery in Long Tickle, and sew the binding around my current quilt project while waiting for the 10:30. What I found was that the ferry had a small mechanical problem which set her schedule back half a hour. She was about to sail to LBI, so I decided to sail over to LBI jsut for the ferry ride. I always said I have salt water running through my veins, so I am always happy to be near or on the ocean. Quilting postponed for a later time, we set sail. The ocean and sky were a brilliant blue and the following are some shots taken while crossing from Pilley's Island to LBI. Breath in the fresh, salt air (mainlanders buy  an artificial version of it in bottles, to help clear the sinuisis,  it's called Otrivin), soak up the sun, feel the breeze on my face and calm my psyche. And get this, all for the price of $3.85. We arrived back to PI for the 11:00 AM ferry and on back to Long Island. A morning well spent, I believe.

Leaving Long Tickle

Long Island Lighthouse in the distance

Recreational Fishers

Great day for a sail on beautiful Green Bay South

Grassy Rocks

Approaching LBI ferry dock, Sully Anne's Cove.

LBI Ferry Dock

More Recreational Fishers, this is the second last day until September 19th.

Coming back to Long Island

Grassy Rocks, a familiar landmark off Long Island.

I even saw a couple of humpback whales on the crossing. The crew told me they see these beautiful creatures all the time, especially during the capelin run.

Approaching Pilley's Island ferry dock.
$3.85 well spent.

Friday, 7 August 2015

                             Long Island Co-Op Heritage Center 
                    Receives Generous Donation from Spenser's Diner.

The wind gave a perfect flag flying day at the Heritage Center
Five beautiful booths have been installed at the Co-Op Heritage Tea Room.
In 2013 , the management at The Causeway Express, Pilley's Island, donated two booths to our Tea Room. They had plans to completely renovate and replace all their decor, at which time, they told me that we could have more of the booths if we needed them. The resturant has now completed it's renovations, is under its new owners and is renamed "Spenser's Diner." True to their word, they donated five beautiful, very valuable booths, to the Long Island Heritage Society, for our Tea Room. Thank you to the Causeway Express and Spenser's Diner for their generosity.

Spenser's Diner is like a second home to Long Islanders and is frequented by us. Whenever there is a ferry delay, and also on normal days,  you will find Long Island travellers having a dinner or a cup of tea at the Diner, a port in the storm, where everyone is always made to feel welcome.

Congratulations, Spenser's Diner, on your grand opening on Wednesday, Good Luck and all the best for the future. 

The Tea Room is open Wednesday to Sunday every week throughout the summer.
 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Heritage Treasurer, Pansy Rideout, made the arrangements to get the booths brought from Pilley's Island.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Across the Tickle-Long Island                                                       Barbara Colbourne

Long Island Day 2015

The Long Island Volunteer Fire Department is very pleased to have put off another annual Long Island Day celebration on Saturday, July 18.  The official start to the festival started on Friday with a sale of moose burgers, fries, hot dogs at lunchtime, a parade throughout the island and children's activities in the afternoon. This is the Fire Department's annual fundraiser that brings in funds to keep the department going for the entire year. The usual activities of games of chance and food booths entertained the visitors all day long. Volunteers of the Firettes, Fire Fighters, and all Long Island residents donated most of the food and all the labour serving in the booths. The children enjoyed the pony rides, feeding and petting the lambs and looking at the male and female turkeys, along with ducks, quail and a chick. The weather was not that great, with temperatures around 15 degrees, but the rain kept off and did not deter the crowds. The ferry was load and go from 11:00 to 4:00 PM and logged moving 137 vehicles and 331 passengers from Pilley's Island to Long Island throughout that day. MP Scott Simms was pleased to visit Long Island, which is part of the new part of his district that he will be running for in the Fall federal election. Scott proved that he is a great sport and a down-to-earth person throughout the day with his remarks to the people and allowing himself to be dunked in the dunk-tank three times, despite the cold temperatures. He raised $133.00 for the department. Brian Warr also visited and expressed his desire and dedication to be the Provincial Liberal candidate for the upcoming Fall election. Mayor Daniel took the opportunity to thank some of the people who was instrumental in getting the Long Island lighthouse tower erected, once again, on Long island. Special thanks to the businesses who donated funds or services for that.
Many thanks to corporate sponsor INVESTORS GROUP, Division Director Jeff Colbourne, out of Calgary, Alberta, for his generous donation of $2500  to the Long Island Fire Department and $2500 to the restoration of the Long Island Lighthouse. This is the second year that Jeff has given back to his home town and the whole community is very grateful. Mayor Daniel carried around his firetruck donation bucket all day long and at the end of the day collected an astonishing $1700.00 in that bucket. Many thanks to all our friends of Long Island for their contribution to the bucket and to all the activities on Long Island Day. Fire Chief Leroy Bromley is very pleased to announce that at the end of Long Island Day the goal of $15, 000.00 for a down payment on a new fire truck has been reached. Saturday festivities was capped off with a sold-out dance at the Recreation Center with music by DJ Michael Murray. The whole Long Island Day weekend rounded off with a spectatular array of local musical talent from the Grand Falls-Windsor-Green Bay area in a Gospel Sing at the Faith pentecostal Church, Long Island. Onstage was a total of 15 guitars and an accordion. The church hosted a barbecue with burgers, hot dogs and drinks after the service.

Jeff Colbourne, Calgary, Alberta, gives back to his hometown at Long Island

Mayor daniel took in aprox. $1700.00 in his firetruck fundraiser bucket at Long Island Day. Thanks everyone for the donations.

Laura Oake, our student worker, and Saff Colbourne, visiting from Calgary, AB, volunteer at the games booth.

 Leah Oake visiting home with her parents had to wear her fur hat to keep warm on LI Day.
Our BBQ chefs, Wade Oake, Ken bromley and Leslie Hurley.

Mr. Hewlett (left), visiting from South brook, 95 years young, enjoyed Long Island Day

  Bentley Parsons of Grand Falls-Windsor enjoyed the pony ride at Long Island Day.
Haylee Parsons, Grand Falls-Windsor enjoys the sights and sounds of Long Island Day

Brian Warr, running for the Liberal Nomination in our district visits long Island Day.

Nicole Bromley with her cousin, Brody Meon of Alberta, who is visiting his family at long Island.

Courtney Slade volunteers at Long Island Day. Thank you, courtney.

Petting the cute little lambs.

Scott Simms, MP, volunteers at the Long Island Day dunk tank. He went down three times, making $133.00 for the fire department.

Delicious lobster for lunch.

Barbara (me) serving up fisherman's brewis, a very popular dish at the Long Island Day food booths.