Friday, 24 June 2016

Newfoundland and Labrador Ruined

Newfoundland and Labrador Ruined

The Island Joiner in Long Tickle, This little ferry could still be serving Long Island at the cost of replacing the engine ( I have heard the sum of $100,000.00) Instead the Williams government opted to spend $38, 000, 000.00 for the cadillac Hazel McIsaac. Practically every move  Williams  made was overkill, extravagant, a popularity contest and a temper tantrum. 

Reported to be the Island Joiner in Haiti 
after being sold to an individual for $77,777.00

'Severe hardship on the people of this Province.'  
$11.4 Billion boondoogle, first power expected in first quarter of 2017. We're only going to use 1/3 of the power from this plant.  
The folks who were saying that this was our best option were wrong, 'out to lunch,' full of ho-ee.' (aka Danny Williams).  
Was it our (Danny's) price to pay to get back at Quebec?  
Back in 2012 Marshall thought the announced cost was low.  
Now, the brutal truth is we're way, way overbudget. It was based on faulty assumptions. Mr. Marshall says it will be more costly to stop the project and we must stop wasting time and money fighting any useless court battles. Further costs to the people of this province, maybe further taxes, further cuts to services, coming. For my generation and, at least my children's, maybe also my grandchildren's generation, this Province is ruined.  

Thank you for that Danny Williams.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Long Island Fifty Plus Closing 2016

                   Long Island Fifty Plus Closing
                       Great evening at the Long Island Fifty Plus this evening. Great singings with special guest musicians; Gordon Butt, Charlie King, Gerald Anthony, Pastor Janet Strictland, Minister Bill and Jean Matchem, Elmo Parsons, drummer Bronson Rideout and Majors Phyllis and Larry Fudge. looking forward to seeing you all again in October when we start up Fifty Plus 2016-2017. Thanks for a great year. (click on the video to hear the whole group singing.)

Roast turkey dinner

Dessert-Carrot Cake

Thanks to cook Janice

Thanks to cooks Roxanne, Janice and caretaker, Bronson.

Mom, Mamie, won the door prize.

Elmo Parsons on guitar and harmonica-On The Wings Of A Dove.

                                    Charlie and Gerald- I've Got A Mansion
Jean and Minister Bill, Matchem

Because He Lives- group singing.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Long Island-Pilley's Island-Little Bay Islands Ferry Rate Increases Announced in Budget

Long Island-Pilley's Island-Little Bay Islands 
Ferry Rate Increases Announced in Budget

2015-16 Round trip fares                                                          2016-17 Increased fares
LI_PI.......$1.66 passenger                                            LI_PI........... .......$4.00passenger
LI_PI........$$4.40 (Senior $3.30)                                  LI_PI.................. $10.00 (vehicle and driver)                           (vehicle and driver)

LBI_PI.......$4.96 passenger                                            LBI_PI........$7.00 passenger
LBI_PI........$14.30                                                          LBI_PI........$20.50 vehicle & driver
                          (vehicle & driver)

Curiously, a ferry user from Bell Island, at present pays $2.48, with an increase coming of $1,52.
A ferry user from Long Island to Pilley's island , at present pays $1.66,
 with an increase coming of $2.34
Vehicle and driver from Bell Island to Portugal Cove right now is $6.88, 
with an increase coming of $3.12
Vehicle and driver from Long Island to Pilley's Island, at present pays $4.40,
with an increase coming of $5.60

Thursday, 28 April 2016

My Government Has Broken My Heart

I have volunteered, for free, and worked tirelessly for the first, best ten years of my retirement for my community. My Government has broken my heart. 

My committee and my council lobbied government for 10 years to replace Long Island's costly ferry service with the more economical, feasible for the province, causeway across Long Tickle. The previous government headed by Danny Williams took away our ferry alltogether and gave us a skeleton service from the Little Bay Islands ferry. In the meantime we asked for a better, enhanced ferry service, at least a trip up to 9:00 Pm every day, year round. The PC government refused. 

The Liberal MHA, first Alan Hawkins, then Brian Warr(the electoral boundaries/district changed during the campaigning period) both led the people of Long Island to believe that once they were elected in the 2015 election that conditions would improve for our community.

Now, our Town Council has informed us that Transportation Minister Alan Hawkins and MHA Brian Warr will be coming to Long Island in June to inform how our, already inadequate ferry service, will be cut further.