Sunday, 26 February 2012

Ice Island in Long Tickle

Ice Islands

In the Fall 2011, September and October, residents and visitors to long Island were treated to a spectacular show of icebergs. This was an unusual time of year for icebergs as most years we see them in June and July. But this was an unusual year. Two years previous a huge chunk of ice broke off the glacier covering Greenland. It took that long for them to travel down iceberg ally to the Northeast coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. I took this shot of the Long Island ferry, the Nonia,to show a comparison of the size of it.

More photos
Long Island ferry dock in the background.
 The wind actually pushed the berg in on the dock at Pilley's Island one day and the ferry could not land.
 I called this one God's sense of humour-a blueprint for the Long Island Causeway sent to Government.
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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Southern Head Light Tower

This is the historic Southern Head Light Tower at its original site on the eastern side of Long Island, where it stood for 104 years. The Canadian Coast guard has since, in 2009, replaced the tower with a smaller, easier to maintain automated robotic light at Souther' Head. The CCG has returned the tower to the Town of Lushes Bight-Beaumont's Heritage Society for restoration. It now sits in Long Tickle in pieces waiting to be put back together this spring. This beautiful tower will be erected on site near the Long Island ferry dock and will be a welcoming beacon to travellers as they come across the tickle on the ferry.
Southern Head Light Tower

This is the historic Long Island Southern Head Light Tower as it stood on Souther' Head on the eastern side of Long Island for 104 years. The Canadian Coast Guard dismantled it in 2009 and took it off Southern head, replacing it with an automated, robotic light that is easier to maintain. The CCG has since returned the tower to the Long Island Heritage Society for restoration. It now sits at the ferry dock site in pieces waiting to be erected near the dock. The Town of Lushes Bight-Beaumont in conjunction with its Heritage Society will restore the Tower and will be a welcoming beacon for travellers as they cross Long Island Tickle on the ferry.
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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Results of the 2011 census for Long Island

Population and dwelling counts
Lushes Bight-Beaumont-Beaumont North, T

Newfoundland and Labrador
Population in 2011 1

Population in 2006 1

2006 to 2011 population change (%)

Total private dwellings 2

Private dwellings occupied by usual residents 3

Population density per square kilometre

Land area (square km)


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

            Long Island, Green Bay

A small island about 12 miles long and 9 miles wide nestled in Green Bay South. We are located just 1/2 km across Long Tickle from Pilley's Island. To get to us turn off the Trans Canada, Route 380, at South Brook. Proceed to Pilley's Island. To get to the Long Island ferry dock on Pilley's Island side, take Route 382 just off Route 380 in Pilley's Island. Then board the ferry and in five minutes you're here.